Friday, August 23, 2019


The Cast:

  • Brother Aron: Human priest/cleric/healer of the New God
  • Calista: Ferren rogue/thief/acrobat
  • Perry Flaxseed: Halfling hunter/fighter/sharpshooter
  • Nikolai Petrechko: Human veteran/fighter/weapon master
  • Unit One: Clockwork companion

Upon destroying the corrupt angels known as the "Quintet", the heroes search the lair of the Dark One and find a hidden chamber behind one of the statues.  Following the chamber, they enter a strange living cavern wherein they see a black sword hovering in the air.  The sword is covered in runes and has nine gems embedded in the blade.  The sword seems to moan in anticipation of being taken and makes it's desire known.  The evil emanating from it is palpable.  Unit One is drawn to the sword, as if in a trance, so Nikolai reaches the blade first and grabs it.   Immediately, the blade imparts its powers and purpose to him and he screams in mental agony at the onslaught of dire knowledge.  Or at least it seemed like he did.  To the rest of the people in the chamber, he just grabbed the sword and went still for a moment.  Snapping him out of hit, the group leaves, not fully grasping the impact and potential consequences of finding one of the most powerful weapons in the world.

They emerge from the dungeons below the temple and resume their search for the children that had disassembled Unit One, but were unsuccessful in finding them.  They rest up and wait for the next train to Nessus.  In the interim, Unit One begins getting more and more unstable, losing his own personality and taking on one that strongly resembles the Emancipator.  The heroes come to believe that the key that they used to reactivate him is causing this change in personality, so they distract Unit One and remove the key from him, rendering him inert.

A couple of days later, they are en route to the City of Decay.  The train stops at the foot of the mountains separating the peninsula that the city is on from the rest of the continent.  They hire a wagon to take them and their inactive clockwork companion through the mountains and into the the ruins of Nessus.  The wagoneer takes them to a place known as Merken's Outfitters, where they purchase some supplies and a map of the city.  They make their way towards the area known as Seaside, where Merken said they would find an artificer skilled enough to fix their clockwork companion.  While traveling through the overgrown ruins, a group of ogres led by an ettin attack the group, intent upon making a meal of them.  The heroes manage to defeat the ogres without much difficulty and proceed on to Seaside.

Once in town they locate the artificer known as Zanthar, who agrees to fashion a new key for the clockwork.  The group leave Unit One in his care and leave to find an inn.  Once in their room, they settle down for the night, when suddenly a ragged figure materializes within their room!  The man wore tattered black robes and appeared to be an elf.  He was conscious only long enough to say "Thank the gods I found you.  We are all in grave danger..." before blacking out from his wounds.

End of Session


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