The Cast:
Brother Aron: Human priest/cleric/healer of the New God
Calista: Ferren rogue/thief/acrobat
Perry Flaxseed: Halfling hunter/fighter/sharpshooter
Nilolai Petrechko: Human veteran/fighter/weapon master
Unit One: Clockwork companion
Making their way back to the dungeons beneath the temple of the New God, the heroes continue their search for the one responsible for this town's demise. They enter the 3rd subterranean level and the initial room containing candelabra that dripped an oily black substance was apparently a means to summon more devils from Hell. The cherub-like devils were killed quickly and the group moved on to the next room where they found rows upon rows of bookshelves that were burning with a white flame that did not harm the books. In the center of this room, standing by a lecturn, another angel that called herself Gidrael seemed of sane mind, unlike the previous angels encountered. She spoke of her entrapment here by the "Dark One" and how he had warped the minds of her brother and sister angels. Unable to enthrall her, she was trapped here among these evil tomes in great discomfort from the flames, for centuries. She beseeches the heroes to free her so that she may free her angelic siblings to face the Dark One. Brother Aron does his duty and frees Gidrael, and she leads them to the next chamber where she says her brother languishes. Having to pass through several magically marked doors, Calista manages to open them, but a great cost to the purity of her soul.
In the next chamber, the warped angel Sardael, flailed aimlessly at the four pillars around him. Gidrael entered the room and tried to talk her brother down, but ended up fighting him apparently to their deaths. Falling to the floor of the chamber, the two angels lay inert and apparently dead. Brother Aron attempt to heal them, but nothing works. Then the two angels begin laughing and complimenting each other on the ruse used to convince the heroes to help free them. They both rise, Gidrael turning on the heroes that helped her, and they attack. The fight results in the heroes seemingly destroying the angels and resting long enough to recuperate from the wounds they sustained.
The heroes then proceed back up to the stairway level and down the final staircase into a long earthen passageway, choked with sharp crystals jutting from all surfaces. They slowly make their way through and arrive at a large cave filled with crystals and with all of the angels they had encountered and believed to have killed. Also in the room is the "Dark One" priest of the New God that they had been seeking. The priest orders the angels to attack and a great battle ensues. The priest is slain quickly but the fight with the angels was difficult and required the heroes to use all of their skill to overcome them.
As the last angel falls, the curse laying over the town and the dungeons below lifts. The heroes make their way back up to the surface and ponder their next moves.
End of session.
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