Candle in the Dark Campaign Diary: Session 8, Corrin’s Village
The Cast:
- Enid, half-elf cleric of Bahamut
- Nashgar, dragonborn paladin of Bahamut
- Leilua, tiefling warlock
- Corrin, halfling barbarian
The heroes travel the plains of the western Nentir Vale towards the King’s Road, intent on reaching Fallcrest to get an audience with Nimozaran the Green to learn what they can about the dragon Calastryx, the so-called “prophet of Tiamat”, and the wizard that stopped it from fulfilling a prophecy that culminates in the Rise of Tiamat and the return of the dragon empire of Arkhosia. The brass dragon Tyristys told them about the prophecy and that it may still be fulfilled should the prophet be awakened from the magical slumber that the Mage Lord Starris placed it under.
While traveling, the group spies a large number of humanoids traveling in the distance. That’s when a white dragon swoops down upon them! Attacking without provocation, the white breathes its frosty breath on Enid, who falls from the intense cold. The others lure the dragon down with attacks and fight it on the ground. Enid is revived by Nashgar and the group pool their efforts and manage to wear the dragon down before it could recharge its breath. The dragon reveals his name to the heroes in taunts, as Szartharrax, before falling under the might of the group.
Corrin realizes then that the group of humanoids they spotted were traveling from the direction of his village, which is nearby. The group hustles over land towards Corrin’s village, and when they arrive they find that it had been attacked. Several dead halflings lay among the broken and burned tents, but many appear to have scattered into the surrounding woods, while others appear to have been taken prisoner by the attackers. They decide to follow the attackers & try to free the captives. The pursuit takes them into the Gardbury Downs, where the trio leads To the encampment of an orc war and, flying a banner bearing a red hand on a field of black.
Outnumbered, the group decides to sneak into the camp to free the captives. Nashgar & Leilua use magic to distract or incapacitate some of the orc guards while the others free the captives. They manage to liberate the captives and escape before the orcs realize what has happened.
End of session.
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