Wednesday, January 31, 2018


  • Anton Loyalar: Oeridian Paladin of Heironeous
  • Coppyr: Halfing Monk
  • Eli Pendar: Flannish Cleric of Pholtus
  • Tharn: Dwarf barbarian of the Fireforge clan
The aftermath of the gnoll/bugbear attack on Hommlet left the town damaged and it's people largely broken, but the actions of the Anton, Coppyr, Eli and Tharn, along with Spugnois and Elmo, kindled the spark that had allowed Hommlet to survive and rebuild after the last tragedy when the Temple of Elemental Evil was in operation.  The heroes agreed to help the town rebuild and collected all they could from the moathouse to sell.  Upon returning to the moathouse, however, they learned that the corpse of Lareth had disappeared.

The heroes and some volunteers from Hommlet, took what they could on wagons to Verbobonc to sell.  After doing so, the Hommlet residents returned and the heroes stayed in Verbobonc to gear up and do some training.  They learned that the Vicount was out of town on some kind of business, and there was some kind of trouble to the north in Veluna that required the presence of the Knights of the Hart, so the heroes tales of potential troubles with the possible resurgence of activity in the Temple of Elemental Evil fell to underlings and those powerless to help until the authorities returned.

While in town, the heroes learned of a number of possible adventures that they could undertake, including:

  • The Temple of Elemental Evil is stirring up trouble again.
  • To the west, Giants are causing trouble in the Grand Duchy of Geoff.
  • To the north, rumors treasures hoarded by a mad wizard in a volcano labyrinth with a perpetual white plume. 
  •  Settlements near the Barrier Peaks are having trouble with strange creatures coming out of the mountains. 
  •  Somewhere along the borders of Perrenland and Ket is said to be caves containing a magical hoard of treasure of the wizard Tsojcanth. 
  • The infamous Ruins of Castle Greyhawk are making people talk again as its claimed more victims in search of the mad wizard Zagyg’s treasures.

The heroes decide to follow-up on what they learned about the possible activity at the Temple of Elemental Evil and they take to the road to the town of Nulb, which is closest to the temple.  They found the town to align with the rumors they had heard, that since the fall of the temple a dozen years ago, the town of Nulb has been dying and has few residents remaining, as is evident by the numerous dilapidated buildings and general poor conditions of the road and bridge leading to town. 

The heroes go to where they believe they may find answers, at the local tavern.  Within they try to question the barkeep, who is less than cooperative.  Tharn, having enough of the barkeep's evasion of their questions, hops behind the bar and throws him over the bar so that Anton can question him more directly.  Anton continues to attempt to get information regarding the temple (which people around here call the "Temple of All-Consumption"), when the owner of the tavern, a man named Skole, comes out of his office and demands the heroes leave. 

Meanwhile, Eli, who had noticed a couple of patrons looking at their group with mal-intent, uses his skill at lip reading and find them talking about alerting "others" to the group's presence.  When the name "Zert" is mentioned in the exchange between Skole and Anton, one of the two look back as if in recognition.  The two then up and leave the tavern.  Eli follows them out and the two take off running down the street.  Eli pursues and shouts a prayer to Pholtus and one of the pair is suddenly paralyzed.  His legs immediately seize and he goes face down in the gravel road, breaking his nose and a tooth, in addition to skinning him up badly.  Eli manacles the man and drags him back to the tavern as the other runs off down the road that leads to the temple. 

Once inside the tavern, they clean the man up and question him.  He is reluctant to give any useful information but does insult the hero's mothers quite skillfully.  Another in the bar acknowledges knowing the man and Eli questions him.  This man seems fearful of the consequences of revealing information, so Eli acts as though man is uncooperative while learning that the temple is indeed active and this man works there as a lookout. 

The heroes leave the tavern with their prisoner and as the walk towards the hostel to find a room they are stopped by a young woman who protests the capture of the man.  She defends the man as doing what he must to survive, as all in Nulb do, and the heroes try to explain that they are attempting to prevent more trouble from occurring, but they only succeed in offending the young lady, who says they are not welcome in her mother's herb shop. 

They go to the hostel and check into the rooms, but decide that going to one of the abandoned houses may be a better option, so they break into one and spend the night.

The following morning, they let their prisoner go with the agreement that he doesn't go back to the temple again, and then the group takes the road leading to the Temple of Elemental Evil.  They arrive to find a structure that is much more intimidating than they had anticipated.  They ready themselves and prepare to explore the place.

End of session.


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