Wednesday, January 17, 2018


The Heroes: 
  • Anton Loyalar: Oeridian Paladin of Heironeous
  • Coppyr: Halfing Monk
  • Eli Pendar: Flannish Cleric of Pholtus
  • Tharn: Dwarf barbarian of the Fireforge clan
The heroes search the barracks and find a few items of interest, but hesitate in opening the door to Lareth's private chambers.  They rest for a while, awaiting Lareth's return, but when he doesn't show they do some reconnaissance.  Coppyr uses his invisibility ring to allow him to sneak down some halls, where he hears someone with a strange accent addressing a group.  The response from the group is animalistic growls and barks, which means the gnolls are being addressed, most likely by Lareth.  He's talking about having recruited the bugbear to their cause and sending them to destroy Hommlet.  The gnolls get excited about that by the sound of the growls and barks. 

Coppyr relays this back to Tharn, who follows a short distance behind the halfling.  The rest of the group awaits just within the hallway the leads to the barracks after Eli repaired the door. 

The halfling hears the gnolls leaving and shortly thereafter the door separating them opens and Lareth's henchmen start to emerge, complaining about the smell of the gnolls and their animalistic ways.  A lieutenant leads them down the hall, but holds back as Lareth emerges to speak with him.  The rest of the henchmen make their way down the hall back to the barracks.  They wait for the lieutenant to unlock the door and when he does, the heroes get the drop on the group!

The fight is held within the hallway and the doorway leading to the barracks.  Anton and Eli hold back while Elmo and Tharn hold the door.  Coppyr remains invisible, waiting for an opening to attack.  The henchmen and lieutenant bear the brunt of the PC's attacks, returning in kind, while Lareth holds back initially, but then joins the fight with spells and his magical staff.  Several of the heroes are hurt, but are able to bounce back after receiving healing from a comrade.  The henchmen and lieutenant aren't so fortunate and they start dropping from the hero's assault.  When the lieutenant drops, Lareth begins to have second thoughts about this battle, but he does not try to escape until it's too late.  Down to two henchmen, Lareth surrenders to the heroes, who bind the three to ensure they do not have a change of heart. 

End of session. 


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