The Heroes:
· Ecna Lubma: dwarf priest
grudgebearer healer
· Gruntbelly: dwarf
magician sorcerer wizard
· Kane Arroway: human
warrior fighter sharpshooter
· Mathias: jotun jotun
juggernaut spirit warrior
After rummaging through the giant’s sacks and taking the
valuables, the heroes continue on towards their destination, but find that the
trek becomes more and more difficult as they near the keep and the perpetual
storm that dominates the skies above it.
Gale force winds buffet them and nearly drive them back, but they press
onward and when they enter a valley near the keep, they find themselves in the
eye of the storm where it is eerily calm.
In the valley they spot several holes and tracks which they deduce
belong to beastmen and large creatures called stone worms. They decide to make a break for it across the
short valley to the towers & bridge that lead to the keep. The dwarves ride the jotun and Kane flies
thanks to an enchanted item and they all converge upon one of the towers,
attacking the bugbear beastmen that are within.
The trek across the field draws the attentions of stone worms,
complicating the fight. The heroes manage
to overpower the bugbears, but took some hits in the process, so they decide to
rest in the keep.
As they rest they notice that the storm is actually
descending upon the keep at a slow but steady pace, and seems to be dismantling
it stone by stone. Their proximity to the storm also causes some of them to
have a restless night. The following day
the decide to head across the bridge, but as soon as they step upon it, they
are assaulted by an overwhelming dread, which assaults their sanity. Pulling themselves together, they continue on
and find the center of the bridge to be fragile. Mathias and Kane jump across without
difficulty, but the dwarve’s short legs fail to carry them over that section,
which breaks under their weight.
Fortunately, both had ropes attached to them prior to leaping and were
pulled up the other side by Mathias.
The heroes pass two more towers, which seem dark and empty,
but they decide to check them out anyway to prevent a later attack from
behind. Within they find two wraiths,
who ruthlessly attack the heroes, attempting to drain their souls!
End of session.
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