Friday, August 25, 2017


The Heroes:
·        ·         Ecna Lubma: dwarf priest grudgebearer healer
·        ·         Gruntbelly: dwarf magician sorcerer wizard
·        ·         Kane Arroway: human warrior fighter sharpshooter
·        ·         Mathias: jotun jotun juggernaut spirit warrior

The heroes continue their assault on the orc lair on the cliffs of a Silver River tributary. Despite some powerful magic being thrown at the, resulting in Mathias being turned into a pig, the heroes manage to quickly restore the jotun and push the orcs back into their lair.  Giving chase, the heroes lose the orcs and find that they escaped through a hidden hatch in the floor.  

Searching the lair they find the plaice laired many orcs and had supplies and weapons to support a warband.  The orc chief's chambers had a number of maps of the area with various settlements marked, apparently for attack.  They also find a tied-up and gagged orc and learned from him that the orcs were sympathizers and supporters of the new Orc King, Drudge, who led the revolt against the now-dead emperor.  The orc, named Gruk, said that this warband was led by an orc called Grimfang, who planned to raise a large orc army by recruiting the orcs of the Silver River country into service, willingly or by force.  Since many of the orcs in the region fled the Empire to seek a peaceful life in the Northern Reach, Grimfang was forced to sack many of the villages.  

Gruk was threatened by Gruntbelly, who has a terrible hatred of his kind, but was ambivalent to the threats as the orcs had already destroyed all he cared about.  Unwilling to attack an unarmed and uninterested orc, the dwarf backed off.  The heroes decide to let Gruk lead them to the apparent next target of the orcs, a small village called Crows Foot.  The group take their newly acquired Iron Titan and head to the village.

When they arrive they find it under attack, so they march into town and start fighting the orcs.  Mathias attempts to find the hatch where the orc's Iron Titan's key is hidden by climbing onto a roof and jumping on the back of the titan.  An ogre moves in and climbs up the Iron Titan's back in order to attack Mathias.  Meanwhile the heroes and their Iron Titan move in and start attacking the orcs. 

End of session.


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