Candle in the Dark Campaign Diary - Session 11: Kiss Me
The Cast:
- Enid, half-elf cleric of Bahamut
- Nashgar, dragonborn paladin of Bahamut
- Leilua, tiefling warlock
- Corrin, halfling barbarian
At the temple, Nashgar goes to pray in the shrine dedicated to Bahamut, while Enid admires the old temple architecture. A human man in blue robes bearing the symbol of Bahamut approaches Nashgar and the priest engages the dragonborn in small talk. He introduces himself as Mandet and the conversation eventually turns to a request by the priest for Nashgar to seek out Gardmore Abbey and see if there is an Orb of the Dragonkind hidden within, and if there is, to secure it from those rumored invaders that would use it's power to summon dragons and supplement their armies. Nashgar agrees and Mandet takes his leave. Shortly after, Enid approaches and asks who Nashgar was speaking with. Nashgar describes his discussion with Mandet and Enid says that he didn't see anyone next to Nashgar as he approached. They chalk is up as an oversite and leave the temple.
At the inn, Leilua drinks in solitude until the tiefling known as Melech Ambrose approaches her and asks to sit with her. He buys her a drink and proceeds to offer her a place in his crusade to restore honor to the tiefling people through solidarity and rebuilding their lost empire. Leilua takes his card and he takes his leave of her.
The following day, the team leave Fallcrest and begin their 2 day journey to the Gardbury Downs where the Abbey is located. The weather is miserable en route, but they are otherwise unbothered and towards the evening of the second day, they find the hill that the abbey sits upon. A village on the hillside leading up to the abbey seems to house a warband of orcs. The heroes ponder how they will find the wizard's tower when a caged wagon approaches them from behind, accompanied by a number of battle-weary orcs. The group sets up an ambush with Leilua as bait in the road. Leilua uses her magic to charm the orc leader, calling him to her and asking him to kiss her. As he leans in to do so, she places her hand upon his face and summons her eldritch power. A blast of magic evaporates the orc's head and his body drops to the ground lifeless. The rest of the group uses this distraction to jump out at the orcs and attack. The orcs are caught by surprise which results in the ensuing slaughter.
The heroes then check the caged wagon and find 4 human soldiers within. The ranking officer is revived by Nashgar's healing magic and awakens with a start. Nashgar brings him up to speed on where he and his soldiers currently are and the officer states that they were attacked by an orc warband and that Lord Markelhay must have been taken. He says that the orcs will likely take him before Warlord Azar Kuhl of the Red Hand Army. He says that he's likely being brought to Gardmore Abbey because of his knowledge of the place, which he says is cursed and filled with monsters and undead. He insists that he must contact Lady Markelhay and arrange for the militia to be raised in order to save Lord Markelhay.
End of session.
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