State of the Game
Over the years I've come up with many, many, MANY ideas for running games, but life tends to kill most of them for one reason or another. Still, I press onward as gaming is an important part of my life in that it is an outlet for creativity and a social medium that enables me to keep in touch with long-time friends. It is very difficult to get my friends in the same room together at the same time for a period of 4-5 hours to game anymore. Luckily, we live in the future and with the advent of the virtual tabletop, I can now eek out a 3 hour weekly slot to play on a weeknight, which was unheard of prior to this. Sadly, only 3 of my friends have embraced this style of gaming, but I'll take what I can get until life accommodates more frequent face-to-face gaming.
Currently I am running an adventure path that was originally published in Dungeon magazine called the Age of Worms, using the D&D 5th Edition rules. I'm also running a mini-Star Wars game using the Saga Edition rules and I plan to run other mini-games. I'm also developing my own fantasy campaign setting, The Broken World, which I have a separate blog for, and hope to someday do a long-term campaign in.
Age of Worms: I've placed this game on hiatus to run a Star Wars mini-campaign, but plan on getting back to it very soon. I've mostly been running it as written in the original adventure path, but I'm going to start editing out some aspects of the campaign that seem pointless to me. I want to keep it tightly focused on the threat of Kyuss and his cultists that are trying to bring about the Age of Worms. I also want to have this lead into another campaign at some point, so I'll be planting the seeds of that as we go.
Star Wars - The Dark Times: A campaign of my own creation, I have set it in the time between the Clone Wars and A New Hope. I've also made some cannon changes. I'll probably do a separate blog about this game, as I have a lot of issues with Star Wars cannon and my game is my way of addressing those to my satisfaction.
So, the future of gaming looks bright! Hopefully I can get my buddies together physically to do some tabletop gaming, but I at least have another outlet right now and it's working well. I may write about my use of Roll20 for my games some other time.
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